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01   Sojus nerushimai republic swobodnich (A Russian language introduction over the National Anthem of the Soviet Union)
02   Disco in Moskau (Disco in Moscow) (The Vibrators cover, in German)
03   Verschwende deine Zeit (Waste your time)
04   Freitag der 13. (Friday the 13th)
05   Bis zum bitteren Ende (Till to the bitter end)
06   Schwarzwaldklinik (Black Forest Clinic)
07   Wort zum Sonntag (Word to Sunday)
08   Ehrenmann (Gentleman)
09   Helmstedt Blues
10   Großalarm (Red alert)
11   Spielzeugland (Toy land)
12   Verflucht, verdammt, gebrandmarkt (Accursed, condemned, branded)
13   Agent X
14   Das Altbierlied (The Altbier song) (Hans Ludwig Lonsdorfer cover)

2007 remastered anniversary edition bonus tracks
01   Übung macht den Meister (Practice makes perfect)
02   Zapfenstreich (Tattoo) (Damenwahl demo)
03   Disco in Moscow (original English version of "Disco in Moskau", The Vibrators cover; Damenwahl demo)
04   Spielzeugland (Damenwahl demo)
05   Bombenstimmung (roughly Terrific atmosphere) (Damenwahl demo)
06   Großalarm (Damenwahl demo)
07   Nur im Traum (Only in a dream) (Damenwahl demo)
08   Schwarzwaldklinik (Damenwahl demo)
09   Das kleine ABC (The little ABC) (Kauf MICH! demo)
10   Aufgeben (gilt nicht) (Giving up (is not a choice)) (Kauf MICH! demo)
11   Gipfelstürmer (Summiteer)

Year: 1986

Producer: Jon Caffery


Side one
01   New York City
02   It's So Hard
03   Woman Is the Nigger of the World
04   Well Well Well
05   Instant Karma!

Side two
01   Mother
02   Come Together
03   Imagine
04   Cold Turkey
05   Hound Dog
06   Give Peace A Chance

Year: 1986

Producer: Yoko Ono



01   Bring on the Night/When the World Is Running Down You Make the Best of What's Still Around
02   Consider Me Gone
03   Low Life
04   We Work the Black Seam
05   Driven to Tears
06   Dream of the Blue Turtles/Demolition Man
07   One World (Not Three)/Love Is the Seventh Wave
08   Moon Over Bourbon Street
09   I Burn for You
10   Another Day
11   Children's Crusade
12   I Been Down So Long
13   Tea in the Sahara

Year: 1986

Producers: Sting, Kim Turner


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