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01 Foundations of Stone
02 The Taming of Sméagol
03 The Riders of Rohan
04 The Passage of the Marshes
05 The Uruk-hai
06 The King of the Golden Hall
07 The Black Gate Is Closed
08 Evenstar (feat. Isabel Bayrakdarian)
09 The White Rider
10 Treebeard
11 The Leave Taking
12 Helm's Deep
13 The Forbidden Pool
14 Breath of Life (feat. Sheila Chandra)
15 The Hornburg
16 Forth Eorlingas (feat. Ben Del Maestro)
17 Isengard Unleashed (feat. Elizabeth Fraser and Ben Del Maestro)
18 Samwise the Brave
19 Gollum's Song (performed by Emilíana Torrini)
Limited edition bonus track
20 Farewell to Lórien (feat. Hilary Summers)
Year: 2002
Producer: Howard Shore
2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King