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01 Angel
02 One Day Like This
03 Glósóli
04 Lento E Largo from Symphony N° 3, OP. 36 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs)
05 B612
06 Breathe Me
07 Ave Maria
08 Éperdu
09 A Song of India
10 Venus and Mars
11 Closer (not included on the Japanese standard edition)
Japanese edition and iTunes bonus track
11 Kaze No Toorimichi (風の通り道, "Path of the Wind")
Japanese limited deluxe edition with DVD
11 Closer
12 Kaze No Toorimichi (風の通り道, "Path of the Wind")
Target exclusive edition bonus tracks
12 In the Air
13 Hawaii '78
Limited deluxe edition bonus DVD
01 Sarah's Dreamchaser Monologue
02 Angel (music video)
03 Star City, Russia Space Sizzle Reel
04 Photo Gallery
05 So Long Ago So Clear (bonus audio track)
06 7th Heaven (bonus audio track)
Super deluxe edition bonus tracks
12 In the Air
13 Hawaii '78
14 7th Heaven
15 So Long Ago So Clear
iTunes deluxe edition bonus tracks
12 7th Heaven
13 So Long Ago So Clear
14 Angel (music video)

Year: 2013
Producers: Mike Hedges, Sally Herbert