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01 Diableria (The Great Introduction) (Instrumental)
02 The Thousand Plagues I Witness
03 Satan's Sword (I Have Become)
04 In Thy Pandemaeternum
05 Driven by the Five-Winged Star
06 The Past Is Like A Funeral
07 The Entrance to the Spheres of Mars
08 Chwała Mordercom Wojciecha (997-1997 Dziesięć Wieków Hańby)
09 Outro
66 Untitled
Remastered edition
01 Diableria (The Great Introduction)
02 The Thousand Plagues I Witness
03 Satan's Sword (I Have Become)
04 In Thy Pandemaeternum
05 Driven by the Five-Winged Star
06 The Past Is Like A Funeral
07 The Entrance to the Spheres of Mars
08 With Spell of Inferno (Mefisto) (Bonus track)
09 Chwała Mordercom Wojciecha (997-1997 Dziesięć Wieków Hańby)
10 Diableria (The Great Introduction) (Bonus track, live)
11 The Thousand Plagues I Witness (Bonus track, live)
12 Satan's Sword (I Have Become) (Bonus track, live)
13 From the Pagan Vastlands (Bonus track, live)
14 Driven by the Five-Winged Star (Bonus track, live)
Year: 1998
Producer: Behemoth