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01 Yasutaka Nakata (中田ヤスタカ) / Zeal
02 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Ocean Guide (Kaidou (海導))
03 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Z Appears! (Z Toujou! (Z登場!))
04 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / The Great Opening Battle (Souzetsu Na Tatakai No Makuake (壮絶な戦いの幕開け))
05 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / The Dyna Stone Explodes! (Dainaiwa Kibaku! (ダイナ岩起爆!))
06 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Spotting Something Strange (Ihen Ni Kizuku (異変に気付く))
07 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / A Decision in One's Life (Shinro Kettei (進路決定))
08 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Z vs. the Straw Hats (Z Vs Mugiwara No Ichimi (Z vs 麦わらの一味))
09 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / The Straw Hats Defeated (Mugiwara No Ichimi Haiboku (麦わらの一味敗北))
10 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Meeting at Marine Headquarters (Kaigun Honbu Kinkyuu Kaigi (海軍本部緊急会議))
11 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / The Pirates' Sorrow (Kanashimi No Kaizokutachi (悲しみの海賊達))
12 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Robin's Dance (Robin No Mai (ロビンの舞い))
13 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Aokiji's Appearance and Operation Wriggle (Aokiji Toujou To Ugomeku Keikaku (青キジ登場とうごめく計画))
14 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Information Gathering at the Bar (Sakaba De Jouhou Shuushuu (酒場で情報収集))
15 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Aokiji Tells All (Aokiji Kaku Katariki (青キジかく語りき))
16 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Z's Menace (Z No Kyoui (Zの脅威))
17 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / The World Heads Towards Destruction (Horobi Yuku Sekai (滅びゆく世界))
18 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / A Grand Battle (Souzetsu Na Tatakai (壮絶な戦い))
19 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Luffy's Defeat and Despair (Haiboku To Zetsubou No Luffy (敗北と絶望のルフィ))
20 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Z's Tragedy (Z Wo Osotta Higeki (Zを襲った悲劇))
21 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Z and Aokiji Confront (Taiji Suru Z To Aokiji (対峙するZと青キジ))
22 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Endpoint's Menace (End Point No Kyoui (エンドポイントの脅威))
23 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / The Straw Hat's Bonds (Mugiwara No Kizuna (麦わらの絆))
24 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / Gally's Wish (Gari No Akogare (ガリの憧れ))
25 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Now Onward to the Island of the Final Battle! (Iza! Kessen No Shima He (いざ! 決戦の島へ))
26 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Luffy and His Crew's Fight (Ooabare No Luffy Tachi (大暴れのルフィ達))
27 Shirō Hamaguchi (浜口史郎) / Fierce Battle (Hageshii Koubou Sen (激しい攻防戦))
28 Kōhei Tanaka (田中公平) / The Last Life-or-Death Battle (Inochigake No Last Battle (命懸けのラストバトル))
29 Avril Lavigne / How You Remind Me
30 Avril Lavigne / Bad Reputation
Year: 2012