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[1076]  [1077]  [1078]  [1079]  [1080]  [1081]  [1082]  [1083]  [1084]  [1085]  [1086


01   Lift Up
02   So Much Better
03   Ellie My Love
04   I Am Your Man
05   On the Last Night
06   I'll Hear Your Voice
07   Have A Little Faith
08   Don't Tell Me You Do
09   Song 9
10   Why
11   Bed of Nails
12   A Change in My Life

Year: 1997

Producer: Scott Leonard


01   Du lebst nur einmal (vorher) (You only live once (before))
02   Schlampe (nachher) (Bitch (afterwards))
03   Was zählt (What counts)
04   Auswärtsspiel (Away game)
05   Cokane in My Brain (Dillinger cover)
06   Graue Panther (Gray panthers)
07   Tier (Animal)
08   Kanzler sein... (To be the chancellor...)
09   Das Mädchen aus Rottweil (The girl from Rottweil)
10   Dankbar (Grateful)
11   Nur zu Besuch (Just visiting)
12   Daydreaming
13   Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist (Stand up, when you're on the floor)
14   Amanita phalloides
15   Depression Deluxe
16   Schwimmen (Swimming)
17   Venceremos - Wir werden siegen (We will win [in Spanish and in German])
18   Kein Alkohol (ist auch keine Lösung)! (No alcohol (is no solution either)!)

2007 remastered anniversary edition bonus tracks
19   Drüber reden (Talking about it)
20   Schöner warten (Nicer waiting)
21   Im Meer (In the sea)
22   Leben im Bildausschnitt (Life in a picture detail)
23   Hirnfick (Futter für die Fische) (Brainfuck (Food for the fish))
24   Das Leben ist schwer, wenn man dumm ist (The living is hard, when one's dumb) (Zurück zum Glück demo)

Year: 2002

Producers: Jon Caffery, Die Toten Hosen


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Photo by (c)Tomo.Yun   TemplateDesign by kaie
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