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01   Vaterunser (Our Father)
02   Mensch (Man)
03   Die Fliege (The fly)
04   Die zehn Gebote (The ten commandments)
05   Böser Wolf (roughly Big Bad Wolf)
06   Nichts bleibt für die Ewigkeit (Nothing stays for infinity)
07   Ewig währt am längsten (Dub) (lit. Forever lasts the longest; a pun on Ehrlich währt am längsten [roughly Honesty is the best policy])
08   Und so weiter (And so on)
09   Bonnie & Clyde
10   Der Froschkönig (The frog king)
11   XTC
12   Lügen (Lies)
13   Paradies (Paradise)
14   Und wir leben (And we're living)
15   Er denkt, sie denkt (He thinks, she thinks)
16   Seelentherapie (Soul therapy)
17   Viva la Revolution
18   Zehn kleine Jägermeister (roughly Ten little hunters/Jägermeisters)

2007 remastered anniversary edition bonus tracks
19   Fliegen (Flying) (from "Pushed Again")
20   Prominentenpsychose (Celebrity psychosis) (from "Nichts bleibt für die Ewigkeit")
21   Herzglück harte Welle (roughly Heartluck strong wave) (from "Bonnie & Clyde")

Year: 1966

Producers: Jon Caffery, Die Toten Hosen


01   Initiation
02   The Lost Souls
03   The Nephilim
04   Ever and A Day
05   Sacrifice Theory
06   Of Greetings and Goodbyes
07   Smile
08   A Story at Three
09   The Days of the Phoenix
10   Catch A Hot One
11   Wester
12   6 to 8
13   The Despair Factor
14   Morningstar (3:17, with hidden track "Battled")

Vinyl/digital editions
09   Dream of Waking

Year: 2000

Producers: Chuck Johnson, AFI


01   Anything Could Happen (Live)
03   Explosions (Live)
03   My Blood (Live)
04   How Long Will I Love You (Live)
05   I Need Your Love (Live)
06   Starry Eyed (Live)

Year: 2013


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